Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tea for two, a week for three

Firstly, Republic of Tea trade certified wild blueberry tea is divine. You must try some asap. Aidan and I have been enjoying our tea time in the morning before school. It's nice. :)

This week I've been letting Aidan work ahead if he so chooses.

On Monday he decided that he was on a roll and wanted to complete the workbook. According to the lesson plan that I had made, one book was three weeks worth of work. I explained that if he wanted to work ahead, that's great but he had to finish the worksheets that go along with the pages in the book. So far, so good.

Tuesday came and, again, he wanted to work ahead. Great. Math workbooks are two weeks each because they do not have accompanying worksheets. After he'd finished his math books, he asked if he could start on his science books that I schedule for Wednesdays.

We have Language Arts on Monday, Math on Tuesday, Science Wednesday, and History/Civics/Geography on Thursday. We cap off the week with a quiz or test depending on where he's at in his lessons. End of book gets a cummulative test, otherwise just a quiz for what he's learned up to that point. I'm so happy to announce that he has completed.

As you can see, he's quite proud. We've finished 3/5 of our first week and he's completed at least a week ahead, if not two. I plan to let him go until he hits a snag. If he finishes two grades this year, more power to him!

I just thought that I'd check in with everyone. I hope to take a picture each week. Tomorrow he'll get an orange block for his chart. Actually, he'll get three, he'll be tested on everything that he did this week.

Sorry that this sucks. I've been really distracted while writing this. Everyone seems to need me at the same time tonight.

I'm off to get caught up on my end of this. I've got 134 workbook pages to grade and 33 worksheets that need graded and recorded, a week of journal entries to read through, and journalling of my own to finish. Hopefully I'll get that done this evening. If not, I'll have plenty of time tomorrow while waiting during his optometry and podiatry appointments.

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